Had a great weekend with cik arifah n cik aimi huda the other day~ :)
the concert was darn great..xtau nk describe mcmane but it was more than awesome n even more than worth every penny spent.. kan chup kan??? ;))
sadly xdpt jumpe FT in person.. he was not feeling so well..
tu la, hyper sgt atas stage kan da xlarat nk jumpe fan..wuwuwu T_T
chinese new year n V day was great too~
went kareoke with the rockensteiner (arock n chupa), had ice-cream too, n lepak2 with bff n frens.. :)
konsert kite ade sehebat FT x chup??? =)) *gelak guling2*
p/s: kwn j bernama usop tu comey..chup! ape lg..kem slm slalu meh~
Happy birthday, dear me!
4 years ago
it wasss beyond wordsss :)
i had so much fun with u girls
perlu la mention name usop kat sini?
wpun korang da kem slm kan utk aku
maluuu tauuu :P
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