Friday, March 19, 2010

give n take is the best policy

erk, mcm ape je?
give n take is the best policy? bleh ke ayat cmtu..ngeheheeh

i sometimes felt like it was a mistake..
sometimes it was the best way..
sometimes like it will never gonna happen..
but yet, it keep on coming everytime i tried to run away..
either it is fated that way, or just a test..
either way pon, still complicated

if it is fated the way it shud, then i will just hold on to it and make things work..
mana2 pon, u know u love me the way i do~

*entry jiwang ok, kalo xsuke jgn bc :P*
*merepek plak tu haish*


.ariffa. said...

james likes this :P